IOM is working with communities, partners and governments globally to protect populations from COVID-19. These efforts have included capacity building, equipment, consumable items (including proision of personal protective equipment), support to vaccination drives and Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE).

COVID-19 Response in West and Central Africa

IOM is engaged in a range of activities to prevent COVID-19 in West and Central Africa, including:

  • Preventing, detecting and responding to health-related matters in communities and at borders
  • Enhancing surveillance systems, including community event-based surveillance, supporting contract tracing and supporting Population Mobility Mapping (PMM) (a key tool for surveillance and to fine-tune actions)
  • Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE)
  • Continuation of essential health care, routine vaccinations, the refurbishment/set-up of quarantine/isolation facilities, and mental health care
  • Strengthening Infection Prevention and Control clinical measures (such as those in healthcare facilities), and providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) procured for health programming and clinical settings
  • Laboratory Diagnostics/Testing
  • Support for First Line of Defence (clinics for UN staff and dependants)
  • Assisting national and local authorities at priority points of entry (POE) through active surveillance, including health screenings, referrals, data collection, capacity development for health and immigration/border officials, and improvement of border infrastructure (including WASH infrastructure)
  • Strengthening health systems to promote access and inclusion, promoting equitable access to vaccines for vulnerable populations, and monitoring access to vaccines for migrants
  • Supporting vaccine supply chain and delivery, and active surveillance for adverse events following immunization

IOM West and Central Africa's COVID-19 Response in Numbers

IOM supports equal access to vaccines for all, including migrants and internally displaced people. IOM's campaign "No one is safe until everyone is safe" promotes vaccine equity and the benefits of mass vaccinaton against COVID-19.