Historically, Côte d’Ivoire has been a country of destination of migration movements in West Africa. In recent years, it has increasingly become a country of emigration for young Ivoirians. Today it is in the top five countries of residence for migrants that have reached the borders of the South of Europe. Côte d’Ivoire became a Member State of the IOM in June 2000 to assist the government and various stakeholders in managing migration flows as well as promote the wellbeing and dignity of migrants in and outside the country.

OIM collaborates closely with the government in all projects, to strengthen institutional capacities in the area of Immigration Border Management and Migrant Protection and Assistance. Areas of focus include strengthening the link between migration and development; counter-trafficking; assisted voluntary return and reintegration support for migrants returning to Côte d’Ivoire; Mental Health and Psychosocial Support of migrants; and strengthening Government capacity in border management and policy development.

Immigration Border Management is one of the main axes of action of the OIM Côte d’Ivoire to support the Ivoirian government’s efforts to maintain safe and secure migration routes. Programs at the border include strengthening institutional and local capacities around crisis management, peace building, counter trafficking and the management of natural resources for community Social Cohesion.

The OIM is also involved in providing Protection and Assistance to migrants. Activities comprise of identifying migrants’ needs to best assist them in their migration process or in their voluntary return to the Côte d’Ivoire. An important part of these projects includes improving access to information and raising awareness about safe and secure migration paths.

Finally, research and data collection is a transversal axis to OIM Côte d’Ivoire programs, to improve the design and relevancy of projects and programs, as well as heighten institutional capacity for migration policy building.

Contact Us

IOM Côte d'Ivoire

Cocody les Il Plateaux Vallon
Lot No 1616 Rue L107
Côte d'Ivoire

Tel: +225 22 52 82 00


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