Feature Film Jury

Rahmatou Keita (Niger)

Rahmatou Keita

Director, producer, and screenwriter from Niger. After studying philosophy and linguistics in Paris, she decided to follow her passions: script writing and making movies. She started with documentaries before directing her first feature film 'Al’lèèssi… an African actress' (2003). 'Zin’naariyâ!' (2017), her latest feature film, is a true ode to the beauty of the Sahel and collected multiple awards on festivals including Fespaco before being selected as the first and only movie from Niger for the Oscars in 2018.

Sylvestre Amoussou (Benin)

Sylvestre Amoussou

He is born in Benin. Having lived in France for twenty years, he decided to switch actor to director. After several short films, he directed several feature films such as 'Africa Paradis' (200S); 'Un pas en Avant (2013); and 'L'Orage africain: Un continent sous influence' which was awarded at Fespaco (2017) with the Etalon d'Argent.

Onokhua Clement (Nigeria)

Onokhua Clement

Onokhua Clement is a graduate of the Benin Film Academy BFA in Edo state Benin Nigeria. He has gained life experience as a returned migrant. He is the President and Founder of an advocacy group called Returned Migrants Concept (RMC). They raise awareness on the dangers of irregular migration and human trafficking.


Short Films Jury

Isabelle Coyssi (Benin)

Isabelle Coyssi

She is a journalist but graduated from Center for Information Science and Technology Studies (CESTI) in Dakar. Born in Benin, she has been living in France since 2019. She is passionate about cinema and a proud member of the Cinémas et Cultures d'Afrique association. She was the programmer of the 18th edition of the “Cinémas d'Afrique” festival in Angers (April 2021) and today she is a member of the film screening board for the 2023 edition of the festival.

Appoline Traore (Burkina Faso)

Appoline Traore

A passionate movie director born in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). She studied at the Emerson College in Boston, a well-known art and communication institute. In the early 2000's she directed several short films like 'The Price of Ignorance'(2000), a film about a Boston rape victim; and 'Kounandi' (2003). The feature films that made her rise to fame are 'Moi Zaphira' (2013) and 'Frontières' (2018) ), with the latter winning two prizes at the Fespaco edition 2017.

Ibrahima Tioub (Senegal)

Ibrahima Tioub

He is a professor of history at Cheikh Anta Diop University where he held the post of rector from 2014 to 2020. His work is centered around slavery and the slave trade. His most recent project will reflect his interest in "circulations, places of learning and intellectual sociability, and places of personal experience".