
The Entire Government And Society Approach In Cameroon's Preparation For The International Migration Review Forum (IMRF)

Family photo of the participants in the consultation of parliamentarians and non-state stakeholders on the 30th March 2022 at the Yaoundé Congrès Hall. Crédit photo: MASSINA Gisele/IOM

Family photo of the participants in the government consultation on the 14th April 2022 at MINREX Crédit photo: MASSINA Gisele/IOM

Yaoundé- Cameroon's Voluntary National Review of the Implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) Report is available. Indeed, this report is the work of a consultation initiated under the leadership of the government through the Ministry of External Relations (MINREX) with the support of the United Nations Network Secretariat provided by the United Nations Agency for Migrations (IOM) and all the actors concerned, including: sectoral (April 14 at MINREX), parliamentarians and other non-state stakeholders, such as representatives of the media, research institutions, civil society organizations civil society, local authorities, diaspora, return migrants, private sector, human rights institution, Cameroonian Red Cross (March 30 at the Congress Hall in Yaoundé) and United Nations system agencies (April 6 at IOM).

These various high-level consultations were not only an opportunity for these actors to discuss the successes and difficulties encountered during the implementation of the Pact since its adoption 4 years ago, but also an opportunity for Cameroon to integrate Migration as a powerful driver of development within the framework of the decade of action to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The general objective was to support the Government of Cameroon to strategically involve stakeholders more in the management of migration.

More specifically, it was a question of providing a platform for exchanges to bring out the voice of the stakeholders on the state of the implementation of the GCM through a participatory approach. This made it possible to better prepare Cameroon's participation in the first International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) which is being held from May 17th to 20th 2022 at the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

This is an opportunity for Member States to examine the progress made in achieving the 23 objectives of the Pact, as well as to ensure that migration is henceforth a choice and not a necessity both for the societies of departure, transit than destination. Thus, it emerged during the consultation of stakeholders that Cameroon has made a lot of progress in terms of awareness, direct support to migrants, coordination, and partnerships. However, efforts are still needed to improve the governance of migration in Cameroon.

Therefore, the Government has made concrete commitments to make migration safe, orderly and regular in all sectors. Cameroon is therefore ready to make its voice emerge in this concert of nations and undertakes, with the support of all the actors, to contribute to the future implementation of the GCM during the second period 2022-2026.

For more information, please contact Gisèle MASSINA at the IOM Mission in Yaoundé, Tel: +237 699004516, email: