
International development partners in Ghana host Bi-Annual Meeting to discuss the status of the national migration policy and other related sectoral policies

Ms. Abibatou Wane-Fall, IOM Ghana Chief of Mission

Group photo of Migration Coordination Platform Meeting participants in Accra, Ghana

Accra- On 21st June 2022, migration stakeholders in Ghana, including the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Ghana, European Union Delegation to Ghana (EUD), the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), hosted the bi-annual meeting of the Migration Coordination Platform (MCP). The MCP has been in existence since March 2021, with the overarching goal of improving the coordination among international development partners and multilateral agencies working on migration-related subjects in Ghana.

The bi-annual meeting serves as an opportunity for MCP members, government partners, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), the media and other stakeholders to discuss topical issues impacting national migration management, the evolving priorities of government and international development partners in the migration sector, and the ways to improve coordination and collaboration amongst stakeholders. “It is very important that all stakeholders concentrate their efforts in engaging these issues to reiterate that only through a whole-of-society and whole-of-government approach we can achieve national and global commitments linked to migration management, including those enshrined in the SDGs and the Global Compact for Migration,” said Ms. Abibatou Wane-Fall, IOM Ghana Chief of Mission.

During this meeting, stakeholders discussed the implementation status of the national migration policy of Ghana and its related sectoral policies on migration data management, border management, diaspora engagement, and countering human trafficking. “The success of this initiative is proof of the power of collaboration, and it is imperative that we continue to partner on migration management. I am confident that support for the issue from the three main government partners, IOM, ICMPD, and GIZ will contribute to the great fate of this country,” said Mr. Dominic Agyemang, Head of Migration Unit at the Ministry of the Interior, in his speech on government priorities and partnerships in the area of migration.

Mr. Agyemang went on to thank IOM, ICMPD and GIZ for their contributions and assured that the Government of Ghana is committed to doing everything possible to enhance migration structures. The meeting was attended by various international development partners, multilateral agencies, and Government of Ghana Ministries, Departments and Agencies, both in person and online. Those present included the Ministry of the Interior; Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations; Diaspora Affairs Office, Office of the President; Ghana Statistical Service; Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP); Ministry of Health (Port Health); Ghana Immigration Service and Ghana Police Service, among others.

For more information, contact Nnamdi Iwuora, Senior Programme Manager, IOM Ghana, at or 0302 742 930 Ext 2411.