
IOM, EU and Government of Mali Launch Dissemination Campaign on National Referral Mechanism for Migrants in Most Vulnerable Situations

Partial view of participants at the first training of trainers workshop for the dissemination of the NRM for migrants in most situations in Mali. Credit: IOM Mali/Adama Coulibaly 2022

A family photo taken at the end of the opening ceremony of the Bamako workshop. Credit: IOM Mali/Adama Coulibaly 2022

IOM Chief of Mission in Mali handed over NRM briefing kits to the Minister in charge of Humanitarian Action and Ambassador of the European Union Delegation in Mali. Credit: IOM Mali/Adama Coulibaly 2022

Participants received certificates at the end of the Bamako workshop. Credit: IOM Mali/Adama Coulibaly 2022

Bamako – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Mali, European Union Delegation and Government of Mali officially launched on 10 May in Bamako a series of training of trainers workshops for the effective dissemination and ownership of the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) for migrants in most vulnerable situations in Mali.

The NRM for migrants in most vulnerable situations is an operational framework that indicates to frontline actors how to assist or effectively refer migrants to the relevant actors. It was developed by more than 23 governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners and validated in January 2021 by all actors involved in migrant protection in Mali, with technical support from IOM thanks to funding from the European Union. “The NRM was funded under the Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in Mali. An EU-IOM initiative that was the first of its kind worldwide. Also, the validation in 2021 of the National Referral Mechanism for protection of migrants in most vulnerable situations, makes Mali a pioneer in the sub-region,” said Pascal REYNTJENS, Chief of Mission of IOM in Mali.

Eight training of trainers workshops for the dissemination of the national referral mechanism will be organized from 10 May to 15 June 2022, in Bamako and seven administrative regions of Mali. More than 220 technicians, service providers and social workers involved in protection and assistance to migrants in most vulnerable situations will be trained to share the knowledge they acquired with other actors.

The EU Delegation Ambassador to Mali, Bart OUVRY, highlighted the importance of this dissemination approach. “Capacity building through the training of trainers is an essential element to ensure that migrants who decide to return to their country of origin receive assistance in safe, dignified conditions that are in line with international standards,” he said. “At the end of this training, participants will be able to understand the importance of applying the national referral system for migrants in vulnerable situations in Mali,” said Oumarou Diarra, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Health and Social Development, in charge of Humanitarian Action, Solidarity, Refugees and Displaced Persons in Mali.

As part of its activities to protect migrants in vulnerable situations, IOM works in close collaboration and partnership with several governmental, non-governmental and intergovernmental actors. Thanks to the support of these different stakeholders, IOM Mali has been able to provide assistance to about 31,800 migrants from 2017 to date, including 27,200 Malians.

For more information, please contact IOM Mali Media and Communications Unit. Tel.: +223 90 50 00 06.