
IOM launches EUR 4 million Project in Guinea Bissau to promote intra-regional labour mobility in four West-African countries.

On 28 March 2024, the IOM, the Secretary of State for Communities and the Secretary of State for Youth launched the project PROMOTING INTRA-REGIONAL LABOUR MIGRATION FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT IN WEST AFRICAN COUNTRIES. Photo: Danilo Pereira Vaz/IOM Guinea-Bissau 2024

Bissau - The International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched the “Promoting intra-regional labour migration for local development in West African countries - Migration for Development Program” (MDP) in Guinea Bissau. This initiative aims to foster safe mobility of youth within and across Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Senegal, and The Gambia, matching intra-regional labour demand and supply to drive local development. 

Funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), the three-year project will focus on providing the necessary resources, tools and knowledge for these four governments to adopt evidence-based policies and strategies on labour migration governance and contributing to youth labour market insertion in strategic economic sectors, mostly in rural and border areas. 

Activities in Guinea Bissau include conducting a mapping of diaspora members in selected countries of destination, carrying out stakeholder engagement and capacity-building activities on labour migration governance and diaspora engagement with government counterparts, providing skills and resources to youth as to improve their employment and income generating status, and collaborating with the private sector, diasporas and civil society to contribute to youth labour market insertion.  

“The collaboration between Italy, IOM and the governments of Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, The Gambia and Senegal reflects the shared vision of all parties to capitalize on intra-regional mobility and diaspora contributions to support youth empowerment and employment in the region, in order to create sustainable opportunities” said Fatima DIABY KEMOKO on behalf of the IOM Guinea Bissau’s Officer in Charge. 

“From the perspective of the Secretary of State for Youth, the emergence of this project represents another gain in favor of youth, especially since the project was conceived from an intra-regional perspective, taking into account the cross-border migratory dynamics of young people seeking better living conditions and job opportunities in the countries of the sub-region but who, in the meantime, lack structures aimed at supporting social and professional integration in the host countries”, said the representative of  the Secretary of State for Youth.  

As the Director General of Communities also mentioned: “IOM, with this project, is giving hope to young people and to the Diaspora”. 

The event was attended by representatives of the Government of Guinea-Bissau from a diversity of Ministries; by the diplomatic representations of Senegal, Guinée and the Gambia; migrants’ and civil society organizations and by a specialized organization working on development, key partners to undertake the project activities through a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach.  

IOM is committed to working closely with the Government of Guinea Bissau, youth, private sector, diasporas, and civil society organizations to implement the project effectively. By contributing to safely connecting people, goods, services, knowledge and innovation, IOM seeks to further its strategic objective to facilitate pathways for regular migration, while reducing irregular migration.  


For more informations please contact:

Donghyuk PARK, IOM Guinea, 

Fatima DIABY KEMOKO,  IOM Guinea-Bissau,

SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities