
IOM Supports Displaced Persons and Host Communities in Mopti Through Shelter Kits and Non-Food Items Distribution Operations

The kits given to internal displaced persons and host communities are intended to meet urgent household needs. Photo: IOM Mali 2024 / Dioni Sinsin

Mopti – On 1 July 2024, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Mali launched the distribution of emergency shelter kits and non-food items to internally displaced persons and host communities in the Mopti region. This initiative is part of the implementation of the project: “Responding to the needs of internally displaced persons in Northern and Central Mali” (Réponse aux besoins des personnes déplacées internes au Nord et au Centre du Mali), supported by the Japanese Government.

This one-year project has been implemented by IOM Mali in partnership with Mali’s National Directorate for Social Development and Directorate General for Civil Protection. It aims to improve the living conditions of nearly 3,000 internally displaced persons and host communities in Central and Northern Mali, including the regions of Mopti, Ségou, Timbuktu and Gao, where the security situation is unstable and humanitarian needs are high.

Between the 1st and 17th of July, 100 green emergency shelter kits and 75 non-food items kits were distributed to households in the Walirdé and Takouti sites for displaced persons, and to host families in Sarema and Tombouctou Coura in the urban district of Mopti. This support includes traditional mats, local wood and tarpaulins for the construction of shelters, kitchen utensils and sleeping equipment to meet the urgent needs of households.

“I received everything a woman and her family might need to run a household. This is the very first time that we have received such a support, which responds to our needs. All the families have received their kits,” said Tirza DICKO, a beneficiary of the Walirdé IDP site in the urban district of Mopti.

At least 450 shelter kits, 640 non-food item kits, as well as latrines, water points and hygiene kits will be made available to 10,985 IDPs and host communities in the Timbuktu, Gao, Mopti and Ségou regions.

“The launch of the distribution of green emergency shelter kits and non-food items kits in Mopti is a crucial milestone in this flagship project supported by the Government of Japan. It reflects IOM’s commitment in Mali to respond to humanitarian needs and strengthen the resilience of communities in vulnerable situations,” said Olivier GROSJEAN, IOM Mali Chief of Mission a.i.

The project also includes an awareness-raising campaign on basic hygiene and sanitation, as well as the strengthening of the identification of socio-economic needs of displaced persons and host communities. In addition, the project will provide the Regional Directorate for Civil Protection with multi-purpose tents for use in the event of natural disasters, to enhance emergency preparedness and response.


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Media and Communications Unit, IOM Mali,

SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities