
Mali Sets up a National Framework for Migrant Reintegration to Strengthen its Reintegration Coordination Mechanism

Preparatory meeting for the signing of the decision, chaired by Ms Tangara N. GUINDO, Secretary General of the Ministry of Malians Abroad and African Integration. Photo Credit: OIM Mali.

Bamako – On 9 July 2024, the Minister of Malians Abroad and African Integration, with the support of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), signed a decision to create a National Framework for Migrant Reintegration (CNRM) in Mali.

This decision stems from a series of dialogues and advocacy initiatives led by IOM, initially as part of the Joint Initiative, and which have continued as part of the implementation of the sustainability strategy of the Migrant Protection, Return and Reintegration Programme in Sub-Saharan Africa (MPRR-SSA).

It will facilitate the coordination of interventions undertaken by reintegration stakeholders at national level and will help to strengthen collaborative responses to the challenges with respect to sustainable reintegration.

The main aim of the National Framework for Migrant Reintegration is to promote synergy of action between the actors involved in migrant reintegration. As an illustration, in the context of migrant sustainable reintegration, the National Framework for Migrant Reintegration will strive to facilitate the coordination, harmonization and implementation of interventions, build the capacities of the main actors and partners in migration management, develop partnerships and synergies between actors, promote migrants’ fundamental rights, good practices and the visibility of migrant reintegration actions.

At the preparatory meeting for the signing of this decision by the Minister, Ms Tangara N. Guindo, Secretary General of the Ministry of Malians Abroad and African Integration, stressed that “the National Framework for Migrant Reintegration will enable the Malian Government to take greater ownership of migrant reintegration management, thereby enabling considerable progress to be made towards implementing the National Migration Policy.”

IOM then reaffirmed its commitment to contributing, through its Migrant Protection, Return and Reintegration Programme in Sub-Saharan Africa, to the complete success of this valuable initiative supported by the Government of Mali.

M. Olivier GROSJEAN, IOM’s Chief of Mission a.i. in Mali, expressed the Organisation’s satisfaction with the signing of decision no. 20240038/MMEIA-SG creating the National Framework for Migrant Reintegration “This decision marks a crucial milestone in strengthening the Mali reintegration system.”

The MPRR-SSA programme is funded by the European Union and implemented by IOM. It plays a pivotal role as the largest migrant protection initiative managed by IOM.


For more information, please contact:

Media and Communication Unit, IOM Mali,

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