

The signatories of the pact from the different communities. ©Lucas Chandellier - IOM Guinea, April 2023

"If we remain united as the cotton has been spun, no evil can reach us. Let us be and remain united. But if we disperse, and if we are disunited, then anything can happen to us. This oath applies to us and our descendants" - Oath taken by the Chiefs of the communities of the original pact.

On 27 April 2023, the town of Moussadou in Guinea was the scene of the updating of the Moussadou Pact, a historic agreement signed in 1694 to promote peace and social cohesion between the Konia, Kpèlè, Könon Toma and Manon communities located along the borders between Guinea - Côte d'Ivoire and Liberia. This update, made possible by the project "Consolidating Cross-Border Social Cohesion between Côte d'Ivoire and Guinea for a better understanding and anticipation of risks and the strengthening of trust and collaboration between local actors (CoSocFront)", financed by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (PBF), adapts the clauses of the agreement to current realities while preserving its foundations.

El Hadj Lonceny KOUROUMA, the spokesperson for the elders of the Konia community, recalled the importance of the historic agreement for living together: "In 1694, ethnic groups were gathered at Moussadou here, namely the Konia, Kpèlè, Könon, Toma and Manon communities who joined hands and lived for centuries without clashes, in understanding, hospitality and respect for each and everyone."

El Hadj Lonceny KOUROUMA
El Hadj Lonceny KOUROUMA, spokesperson of the Konia community ©Lucas Chandellier - IOM Guinea, April 2023

The updated pact aims to consolidate peace between these communities by establishing principles such as avoiding violence, non-aggression, ethnic, cultural and religious non-discrimination, and participation in socio-economic activities of community interest. The signing ceremony was presided over by Ltd. Colonel Ibrahima Souley CAMARA, Prefect of Beyla, who underlined the importance of the communities' commitment to peace: "You, the communities of the forest, should meet for a pact is worth its weight in gold, because it implies that you want to consolidate peace. But a pact is a commitment, not just a matter of saying it; a pact is a formation between communities that live together, accompanied by a public act that gives it a character of capital importance.”

This 24-month project, "Consolidating Cross-Border Social Cohesion between Côte d'Ivoire and Guinea for a better understanding and Anticipation of Risks and the Strengthening of Trust and Collaboration between local Actors (CoSocFront)", is being implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the administrative authorities at the central, regional and local levels, is implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the administrative authorities at the central and deconcentrated levels and the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) of Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire for a budget of 3.7 million dollars.

It is within this framework that the component, promotion of conflict prevention and resolution activities through support to social pacts and practices that strengthen peace relations between cross-border communities, the need for which was identified during the workshops of the cross-border consultation framework (in Odiénné in September 2022 (Côte

d'Ivoire) and in N’Zérékoré, December 2022 (Guinea) was entrusted to the NGO Aide à la Famille Africaine (AFA), for the identification of ancestral links, the updating and enhancement of these links, the training of 100 mediators, the establishment of local conflict management committees and the implementation of awareness-raising programmes on the challenges of social cohesion and natural resource management.

A monitoring committee has been set up to ensure compliance with the clauses of the updated Moussadou Pact and to assess the sanctions to be imposed on offenders. The pact encourages the settlement of disputes through cooperation, negotiation, mediation and conciliation while recognising the need to resort to competent national courts if no amicable agreement can be reached.

Updating the Moussadou Pact and implementing the project "Consolidating Cross-Border Social Cohesion between Côte d'Ivoire and Guinea" demonstrate the willingness of local, regional and international actors to work together to promote peace, social cohesion and peaceful cohabitation between the communities concerned. The efforts made in this direction offer an inspiring example for other regions facing similar challenges.

The updated Moussadou Pact will be widely disseminated and taught to citizens, local and administrative authorities, and the media to strengthen peace, social cohesion and peaceful cohabitation between the communities concerned. Awareness-raising campaigns will also be organised to educate and inform the population about the principles of the pact and the means to resolve disputes peacefully.

The "Consolidating Cross-Border Social Cohesion between Côte d'Ivoire and Guinea" project will continue supporting and accompanying local initiatives to strengthen social cohesion and sustainable management of natural resources. In addition, this project aims to strengthen collaboration between local, regional and international actors and share good practices for promoting peace and sustainable development in cross-border regions.

"Our mission is to preserve peace and social cohesion" - Mamady Sidibé, Secretary General in charge of communities in the Beyla Prefecture.

Updating the Moussadou Pact and implementing the project "Consolidating cross-border social cohesion between Côte d'Ivoire and Guinea" are essential steps in building a future of peace and prosperity for the cross-border communities of Côte d'Ivoire and Guinea. Continuing and supporting these efforts is critical to ensure harmonious and sustainable development in the region.

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities