
Voluntary Return of 173 Beninese Migrants: IOM Benin and the Government of Benin Work Together for a Dignified Return

Government representatives, representatives of the European Union Delegation and the IOM Benin Head of Mission, Madame Ndiaye Fatou Diallo, at the reception of the charter flight. Photo : IOM

Cotonou – On Tuesday 28 May 2024, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Benin, in close collaboration with the Government of Benin, facilitated the voluntary return of one hundred and seventy-three (173) Beninese migrants (14 families) from Tunisia on its first special humanitarian flight. This return was made possible thanks to the EU-IOM Joint Initiative, which aims to strengthen the protection and capacities of migrants returning voluntarily to their country of origin.

The returnees were welcomed by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Microfinance, the Ministry of Health, representatives of the European Union delegation and IOM Benin Chief of Mission, Ms Ndiaye Fatou Diallo.

Mrs Myrina Amoussouga Adam-Bongle, Director of Beninese Abroad, enthusiastically declared: “It is with great pleasure that we welcome our compatriots back to Benin.”

On arrival, the voluntary returnees received immediate assistance from IOM Benin, including the provision of food, water, hygiene kits, accommodation as well as assistance with their immediate needs such as transport to the final return areas, notably Djougou and its surroundings, pending the second phase of assistance which is the setting up of income-generating activities as part of their reintegration.

After the stage in Tunisia, where preliminary work was done in terms of gathering information, IOM Benin staff continued with the registration and profiling process. This will enable reintegration assistance to be tailored to the needs of returnees in their communities of origin. At the same time, officials from the Ministries of Social Affairs and Health, working closely with IOM Benin staff, have provided psychological and health support to migrants in need, and made the necessary referrals.

Ms Ndiaye Fatou Diallo, IOM Benin Chief of Mission, expressed her gratitude to the Beninese Government for its constant collaboration in organizing the voluntary return of migrants. She stressed the importance of this joint initiative by the European Union and IOM, as “it offers migrants wishing to return to their country the opportunity to do so with dignity”, she said. Ms Ndiaye stressed that “there is no shame in migrating, but it should be done in a regular and orderly manner”, she added.

IOM and its partners will continue to support returnees in developing comprehensive reintegration plans, encompassing economic, social and psychosocial needs, which should include the identification of income-generating activities, accommodation, education, vocational training to develop small-size businesses and enhancement of professional skills acquired before and/or during migration. The aim is to facilitate potential integration into the labour market through job creation programmes in the private or public sector.

Mr Cissé Ahmadou, a returnee from Djougou, expressed his joy at being back and encourages his compatriots to avoid irregular migration routes. “I would not encourage anyone to take this route, because I know what I experienced on my journey,” he declared. Before his departure, Mr Cissé Ahmadou had a job that enabled him to meet his needs. Back in Djougou, he will receive IOM support for his reintegration and plans to resume his business as a trader.


For more information, please contact:

Mr Idrissa Adama Tamboura, IOM Benin:

SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals