
Chad Validates the Draft Bill on the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families

Government and non-government representatives participate in the validation workshop for the draft bill and application decree on the protection of migrant workers and members of their families in Chad. Credits: IOM/Francois-Xavier Ada 2023

N’Djamena – On 9 March 2023, the Chadian Government validated the draft bill on the protection of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families in the Republic of Chad. The validation ceremony was chaired by the Ministry of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Good Governance, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chadians Abroad and International Cooperation, in the presence of representatives from various state bodies and civil society.

The political validation of this draft bill marks an important milestone for Chad, a transit point for intra-African migration, and aligns with its commitments as a “Champion Country” for the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.

“The Government [of Chad] will strive to put in place the appropriate frameworks for the effective implementation of the protection of the rights of Chadian and foreign migrant workers,” said Mr. Mahamat Adoum Idriss, Secretary General of the Minister of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Good Governance, in his opening remarks. The Republic of Chad ratified the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families on 22 February 2022, which proves its commitment to a labour migration governance framework more in line with international frameworks.

A technical inter-ministerial committee in charge of drafting the bill on the protection of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families in Chad was set up. With the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the committee identified and conducted several actions that led to the development of a first draft bill and its implementing decree.

Following two study missions in Niger and Egypt, research and several working meetings of the inter-ministerial technical committee members, this draft bill of 47 articles covers the entire migration process, including preparations for migration, departure, arrival, transit and the entire duration of the stay, remunerated activity in Chad, as well as return to the country of origin or country of habitual residence.

“Disregarding international treaties entails two factors that directly affect migrants’ rights in labour law: the voluntary/forced nature of migration and regularity. The primary purpose of this draft bill is to address this specific need as it is time for Chad to have its own legal and legislative framework, given its geographical position and diversified migration flows through the country,” says Anne Kathrin Schaefer, IOM Chief of Mission in Chad.

Located in the heart of Africa, Chad is home to many migrant workers attracted by various growth sectors such as agriculture and services economy.

“This draft bill, which is the result of several months of work, opens a new chapter in Chad’s efforts to define the rights of migrant workers and ensure that they are protected and respected,” added IOM Chief of Mission in Chad.

The draft bill will be reviewed by the Council of Ministers and then by the National Transitional Council for adoption before being promulgated as a Republic Act.

IOM has provided technical and financial support to the Government for this project through the project “Strengthening Labour Migration Governance in Chad” funded by the IOM Development Fund.

For more information, please contact François-Xavier Ada AFFANA, Communication Officer. Email:

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