
Environment and Migration Management Stakeholders Validate Two Studies on Climate Change and Human Mobility in Four Regions of Mali

In the presence of representatives from the Ministry of Environment and Danish Embassy, key stakeholders validated in Bamako two studies on the impacts of climate change on human mobility in four regions of Mali. @IOM Mali/Moussa TALL 2022

Strengthening climate resilience and migrant protection were issues addressed in Bamako at the workshop to review and validate the studies on the impact of climate change on human mobility in Mali. @IOM Mali/Moussa TALL 2022

Bamako – On December 8, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Mali initiated a meeting of key actors involved in migration, risk and climate change management in Bamako to review and validate the reports of two studies highlighting the impact of climate change on human mobility in the regions of Kayes, Koulikoro, Ségou, and Sikasso. In Mali, climate change effects are apparent in several sectors of activity, including agriculture, which accounts for 74% of households. In some areas, climate disruption has an impact on food security and population displacement. This is the case in the regions of Kayes, Koulikoro, Ségou, and Sikasso, which are also known for their high migration potential.

To improve understanding of the climate change impacts on human mobility in these four regions, IOM Mali supported two studies in 2022. The two studies revealed that droughts, loss of soil fertility, disappearance of animal and plant species, erosion, drying and silting of waterways, as well as flooding are the main effects of climate change in Kayes, Koulikoro, Ségou and Sikasso. To address these issues, communities have developed various adaptation strategies, including income-generating activities, changes in cultivation techniques and migration.

The research team recommends a series of actions, including awareness raising, support for local government activities related to climate change and migration, as well as training for communities about innovative farming techniques and support for men and women engaged in agricultural activities. These recommendations are fully in line with IOM’s vision. “For IOM, contemporary migration governance and practices must reflect the importance of environmental factors, disasters and climate change on human mobility,” said Pascal REYNTJENS, Chief of Mission of IOM in Mali.

The two complementary studies were conducted within the framework of the projects “Mali: Strengthening Climate Resilience in the Kayes Region” (Mali : Renforcement de la résilience climatique dans la région de Kayes) and “Enhancing Migrant Protection in West and Central Africa through Consolidated Migration Governance Approach in Mali and Niger” (Renforcer la protection des migrants en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre par une gouvernance consolidée des migrations au Mali et au Niger), implemented by IOM Mali with the financial support of the IOM Development Fund and the Kingdom of Denmark.

“It is a priority for Denmark to enhance migrant protection in the Sahel and in this framework, it is important to better understand the nexus between climate change and migration. I am pleased to note the indispensable work performed by IOM to create protected and conducive circumstances for migrant reintegration,” said Ms. Astrid MELCHIOR OLOSEN, Deputy Head of Cooperation of the Danish Embassy in Mali.

As a result of discussions, participants in the Bamako workshop validated the findings and recommendations of the studies as well as a roadmap for mainstreaming migration dynamics and climate change risks into public policies. According to Dr. Amadou Tiema SANGARE, Technical Advisor to the Minister of Environment, Sanitation and Sustainable Development, these studies will serve as a basis for developing solutions on environmental and migration issues.

For more information, please contact the Media and Communication Unit of IOM Mali, Tel.: +223 90 50 00 06, Email:

SDG 13 - Climate Action
SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 2 - Zero Hunger