
Prevention of violent extremism: IOM and its partners support a cross-border programme in Benin, Burkina Faso and Togo.

All stakeholders were involved in planning the project’s activities. IOM 2024 Burkina Faso / Vincent Kiendrebéogo

Ouagadougou – In Burkina Faso, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) remains committed to working alongside the authorities in their efforts to prevent conflict and violent extremism.

On 30 and 31 January 2024, IOM Burkina Faso and its operational partners met in Tenkodogo, the capital of the country’s Centre-East region, for a workshop officially marking the start of activities under the second phase of the “Support Program for the Prevention of Conflicts and Violent Extremism in the Border Areas of Togo, Benin and Burkina Faso” (Programme d’appui à la prévention des conflits et de l’extrémisme violent dans les zones frontalières du Benin, du Burkina et du Togo), abbreviated as PEV 2 in French.

This project is implemented by IOM and UNDP in the cross-border area between the three countries to strengthen the socio-economic resilience of cross-border communities while supporting national mechanisms for preventing and combating violent extremism and promoting social cohesion.

For the Burkina Faso participants at the workshop, the aim was to plan the project’s activities for 2024. The workshop brought together regional authorities, including the Secretary General representing the Governor of the Centre-East region, High Commissioners of the Boulgou and Koulpélogo provinces, heads of technical departments, community leaders including young people and women.

The two days of reflection and discussion enabled the regional authorities and all stakeholders to gain a better understanding of the work expected from the various actors and finalize the implementation plan, laying the foundations for better coordination of this second phase of the project for the benefit of the target communities.

In Burkina Faso, phase 2 of the “Support Program for the Prevention of Conflicts and Violent Extremism in the Border Areas of Togo, Benin and Burkina Faso” comes at a time when extremism is escalating, posing a serious threat to peace and harmony between the various communities. The implementation of this programme should therefore help to strengthen the resilience of populations in the target area, i.e. the tri-border area between the three countries in question. The actions planned will also offer solutions to the vulnerability of some population groups by strengthening the capacities of the relevant government structures.

According to the Community Stabilisation Programme Coordinator, Ousmane Niang, who represented IOM Chief of Mission in Burkina Faso, “youth and women will be identified and receive a range of entrepreneurial training courses to enable them to develop income-generating activities and strengthen their resilience. The other important aspect is to facilitate collaboration between the three countries on conflict prevention and management mechanisms.”

Through the implementation of this programme in Burkina Faso, IOM is working within the Humanitarian-Peace-Development nexus, in line with the commitment of the United Nations system in the country, while at the same time perfectly aligning itself with the current priorities of the Government of Burkina Faso.

“In Burkina Faso, this programme also responds to the priorities of the 2022-2025 Transition Action Plan and the United Nations Interim Development Action Plan (UNIDAP 2023-2025) to support the Government in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, with an emphasis on social cohesion and reconciliation as a means of ensuring a strong link between humanitarianism, development and peace,” said Sayouba Sawadogo, Secretary General of the Centre-East region, representing the Governor of the region.

“This is an opportunity for me to reiterate my thanks to the United Nations system and particularly the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) for their support to Burkina Faso in promoting and building peace and social cohesion”, added Sayouba Sawadogo.

This 24-month project, funded by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (PBF), is proof of a shared commitment to contribute to resolving the issue of violent extremism and support the Burkina Faso Government’s efforts to consolidate peace and promote social cohesion.


For more information on the project, please contact:

Mr Ousmane NIANG, Community Stabilisation Programme Coordinator at IOM Burkina Faso.

SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 16 - Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth